

The Transits module shows an overview of all transits. By convenient use of filters, a selection of the transits can be displayed. Several actions are available on this overview, e.g. to add a new transit or to start a calculation. The exact selection of actions depends on the rights of the user.

NewAdd a new transit for a ship and given draft, route, start time and stability figures.
Calculate Start a calculation for the selected transit with the selected speed regime and calculation settings. Default speed regimes and calculation settings are pre-selected.
Request calculationRequest a calculation for the selected transit.
Archive Archive the transit. No changes can be done and/or calculations can be started for this transit. Furthermore, no automatic notifications will be generated for such transit.

Add transit

Depending on the rights of the user a transit request can be performed, or a new operational transit can be added.

Transit requests

The step-by-step plan below shows how a new transit request can be entered:

  1. Navigate to the Submit submodule of the Inbox module.
  2. Open the relevant form (port) in the table for which the request is made.
  3. Complete the form. Select the ship (or add a new ship), route and start time and enter the draft and the (optional) load-specific data.
  4. Confirm the request via the button Submit at the bottom of the form.

Operational transits

An operational transit can be added to the system by the user directly or through processing a transit request.

Process transit request

A transit request can be reviewed and upon approval, it will be converted to an operational transit. The step-by-step plan below shows how a transit request can be reviewed:

  1. Navigate to the Inbox module, and submodule Process.
  2. Open the relevant transit request.
  3. Review the entered data and process (accept/reject) the request: Complete or adjust the entered data (if necessary) before accepting the request, or if the request is rejected, give a reason for rejection.
  4. Finalize the review via the button Submit at the bottom of the form.
Directly add operational transit

A new transit can be added via either the Transits module (action New), at the Ships module (action New transit) or at the Dashboard module (action New). If the transit is added via the Dashboard module, the form has limited input fields. The user's rights determine which routes can be selected and which type of transit.

The step-by-step plan below shows how a new transit can be added through the Ships module:

  1. Navigate to the Ships module.
  2. Select the ship for which the transit should be created (if the ship does not exist, add the ship first).
  3. Choose the New transit action. Enter draft, select route, type and start time, and fill in the load-specific data (the possibility exists to (partially) have these figures estimated by the system).
  4. Confirm the transit at the top of the form.

Open transit

Details of a transit can be viewed by clicking on the relevant row in the table. Depending on the user's rights, the following tabs are available:

  • The Details tab provides a general overview of the transit and the corresponding ship and calculation(s).
  • The Result tab provides the calculation results for the transit. This tab is not available if there are no calculation results yet for the transit.
  • The Calculation request tab is used as part of a work process with separate responsibilities, where transits are entered by one party and calculations are performed by another party.
  • The Calculation tab manages all calculations coupled to the transit.
  • The Advanced tab can be used to manage transit-specific speed regimes and draft overrides. These speed regimes are only available to the calculations belonging to this transit.